Action on Prejudice Challenging Inequality and Hate

Resources and information to tackle prejudice, discrimination and hate crime for a safer and more inclusive Scotland.

More About Us

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Hate crime charges reported 23-24

5,992 ^

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Racial hate crime charges

3,392 ^

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Disability Hate Crime Charges

903 ^22%

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Sexual orientation aggravated crime


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Charges with a religious aggravation


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Aggravation of Transgender identity

84 ^25%

Events News

Alcohol Hate Stats Spark Charity Campaign

'New figures show 40% of all religious hate crimes fuelled by alcohol' A leading Glasgow charity has launched a new campaign aimed at raising awareness of the link between alcohol and hate crime in Scotland.
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Hate Hurts. New National Anti-Hate Campaign

New national campaign tackling hate crime in Scotland launched urging those who witness a hate crime to report it. Scotland’s hate crime law is in place to protect those that need it. The law recognises hate crimes as motivated by prejudice based on disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or variations in sex characteristics.
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#EducationNeedsYouthWork Campaign

Are you ready for the #EducationNeedsYouthWork Campaign? Mark the date in your calendar - Monday 19th - Friday 23rd February!
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Do you need help? Try our Organisation Directory

This directory provides the contact details for action groups, support and advice services and where to report hate crime. You can search by topic, name or post-code.

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Resource Library

Here you can find a whole host of resources to support your work tackling prejudice, hate and discrimination. There are activities, resource packs, reports and more to look through.

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Help & Support

Sometimes we are faced with something that worries us or have an experience that we don't know how to handle ourselves. For information on where to go for some support or direct help visit our help & support page. In an emergency always call 999.

Help & Support