AoP Dictionary

Below are commonly used words found on this site.

If you come across other words or terms that you would like to know more about please your question to us here.


Advocacy: Taking action to support something you believe in e.g. protesting or writing a letter to a person in power.


Bigotry: Thoughts, actions and behaviour that are not accepting of those who hold different opinions from oneself.


Discrimination: Treating a person or group of people unfairly.


Disability: Someone who has physical or mental impairment, that has a long term effect on their ability to do daily activities.


Diversity: Means a range of people who are unique and different.  When we encourage diversity, we respect the differences between each other and celebrate the unique characteristics that they offer.


Equality: When people have the same opportunities regardless of what group that they belong to e.g. their race, religion, ability, sexual orientation or age.  Equality can be mistaken for treating everyone the same, but for some groups to have equal opportunities to others, they may need extra help to remove challenges and barriers.


Hate Crime: Is bullying, threatening, harming, hurting, harassing or damaging someones property because of their race, disability, sexual orientation, transgender identity, or religion.  It can also include any harm directed at you because the you are close to or related to someone with one of these characteristics.  You can find more information here.


Homophobia: Negative attitudes and feelings towards people who are homosexual or people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex.


Inclusion: Means that all people no matter what their needs, beliefs, abilities and differences are, are given the support they need to be included and participate.


Intersectionality: Is when a person is effected by more than one type of discrimination or unfair treatment because they have more than one protected characteristic e.g. if new to the country and have a disability.


Islamophobia: Dislike, hatred or fear of Muslim people and Islamic culture.


Misogyny: Dislike, or hatred of women that can lead to prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping of women.


Prejudice: Judging or to have an idea about something or someone before you know them or have all the knowledge and facts to understand it.


Protected Characteristics: A aspects of your identity that are protected by law by the ‘Equality Act’.  These include age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership (in employment only), pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.  You can find out more information on the Equality Act here.


Race: A group of people who come from the same country or they share similar cultural/ethnic background.


Racism: Is the belief that some races or ethnic groups are better than others.


Racist Behaviour: Racist behaviour is being cruel, unkind or unfair to another because of their race.


Religion: A system of belief and or worship, usually of a God or superhuman power.


Sectarianism: A form of prejudice between different groups of the same religion.  Although the intolerance is based on differences in belief there is often cultural, sporting, historical and political differences that add to Sectarian tension.  In Scotland Sectarianism is most often between people who are Protestant and Catholic but it can also occur within other religions.


Sexual Orientation: A person’s identity based on the gender of people they are attracted to.


Sexism: Is attitudes or behaviours that stereotype or discriminate against people because of their gender e.g. believing that girls should cannot play certain sports or that boys should not do certain jobs.


Stereotype: Is to believe that all people that belong to a group (e.g. are of the same race or religion) are the same.  Most often stereotyping happens if you assume that all people from a group have the same characteristic e.g. if you meet two girls who are bad at maths and then believe that ALL girls must be bad at maths this would be a stereotype.