EDI Community of Practice Facilitating Challenging iscussions
An event to explore how youth workers can support young people to have constructive and respectful discussions on challenging topics.
In the world at present there are lots of topics young people will feel passionate about, want to discuss and sometimes act on but some of these can also become quite divisive. In this EDI Community of Practice we will hear from speakers and dicuss in groups how we can create inclusive spaces that can lead to positive change.
We will look at how we create safe and brave spaces and hear from other professionals about how they support these discussions.
Speakers include:
Lorraine Glass, Director of respectme, Scotland’s Anti-Bullying service, will talk about the scale of bullying in Scotland, the impact it has on children and young people’s wellbeing, and the ways that prevention, response and creating inclusive environments can lead to change.
Lou Beardsmore, Co-CEO of Pride Outside, will be sharing her experiences of creating LGBTQ+ inclusive spaces through inclusive language and “signs of safety”. She will also be sahring a Price Outside framework for having compassionate conversations around diversity and inclusion, along with tips on how to make mistakes well!
Be ready to participate too, following the speakers we will have some discussion groups to hear from each other about tools and strategies different people have used previously and share our learning.
For more information, please contact: srobinson@youthlink.scot
Recording your Professional Learning
Participating in this training can be recorded as 3 hours of Professional Learning time, contributing to the 35 hours per year (pro rata) required for membership of the CLD Standards Council, another professional body, or your own learning and development plan.
When recording your professional learning you may want to reflect on your development from this event concerning the relevant CLD Competences and CLD Ethics.