Amina - Muslim Women's Resource Centre
Amina is an award-winning organisation, recognised by Muslim communities and key partners within Scotland for its pioneering and responsive approach to addressing key issues and needs of Muslim and BME women.
Having invested in this specialist area where there was previously a gap in services in Scotland, Amina is recognised as the national hub for gaining access to, and consulting with Muslim and BME women across Scotland. The organisation has been instrumental in initiating and tailoring services to meet the particular needs of Muslim women to ensure that they are able to fully participate in society without fear of discrimination or inequality.
Amina offers a range of tailored support services on a one to one basis eg. national ‘listening ear’ helpline (0808 801 0301) which also offers Islamic advice through a scholar, employability guidance, befriending, as well as through peer group support eg. violence against women ‘self-healing’ workshops, refugee work to support the integration of people new to Scotland.
Phone: 0141 212 8420 (Office)
0808 801 0301 (Helpline)
Address: Citywall House, 32 Eastwood Avenue Glasgow G41 3NS